
garden ninja school: may 23 and 30

garden ninja school: the seed to seed ecological gardening course
tues eve, 5-8pm,
@ rare headquarters (the big yellow building on the curve in the township of Blair)

may 23.
biodynamics and flowforms.

To be a ninja is to use the source. Ideally we take the oncoming and present energies, and do not fight them, but help them move on, directing them with our actions.
To do this, we need to be able to 'see' the energy flows and patterns.

Biodynamics is a huge subject. I intend to give an overview of Biodynamics, which is the "spiritual science" of agriculture as described by Rudolf Stiener in 1924. He draws on the ancient vision of Earth as a living creature of the cosmos, pulled by and connected to the cosmos. Biodynamics can give us a common language of the different forces and how they affect plants, animals and elements, which helps us to 'see' and 'garden' these forces.

Though it sounds a bit 'woo-woo' to us modern humans, the ideas are ancient. I really like these ideas - not as rules, but as insight.

may 30
herbology 1

On the syllabus, I scheduled soil and plant nutrition, but I feel we have covered these ideas already. The guest speaker I was hoping to bring in is not available for a few weeks. But some herbs are ready!

Lets get some tinctures and oils on the go, and begin to dry some herbs for tea. We can go over the basics of home-made herbal medicines and explore some of the better resources. Lets talk about a dehyrdator making workshop, for which we need to secure some materials.

june 6
perhaps a field trip?

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