well, it is july and i feel myself shifting from outward movement, back into preparing and maintaining of self.
garden ninja school is tucked in: i am holding no more classes, but i do wish to have an evening soon when we can all hang out in the garden and share.
I will also do one more session out at rare: soil/compost/mulch: if I could simmer down the key to intentional gardening in one workshop, this is it.
I will also do a few more workshops with the Galt Hort Society, herbology and flower arranging, for those here in Cambridge.
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Shifting away from teaching, and from the production agriculture of rare organics, I am now working on more creative projects of my own. I love having a bunch of jobs, things to do, and being able to shuffle them into morning and afternoon blocks, weather dependant and flexible.
I am feeling great about my work, about where I am in my journey of building skills and networking.
I am making a fleet of salves now too. Lavender salve with frankinsence and myrrh, packaged with Derrick Jensen quotes on the lids of Mason jam jars! It feels good to be creative.
"All it would take to bring (our civilization) to a halt is creativity,persistent creativity."
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So most of the photos Kili took, obviously, as I am in them! Great hey?. We are taking lots of photos and playing around lots. It is good: I am learning lots from his learnings.
The last two photos are of our porch, which has become more colorful and gorgeous than I had expected. Joel and Zoe were through, visiting, on their way to Halifax. Damn it is nice to see old friends. I am excited to set up in Halifax, have chickens, and work with Zoe. May it be, may it be.
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The Zuchinis are ripening, growing as quickly out of control as zuchinis do: wait two days and the dildo sized squash becomes large as the average housepet. Today I made the first batch of chocolate zuchini brownies, topped with cinnamon-roasted sunflower seeds. Mmmmm.
I love days off. Today was a rain day, the first in months. Seriously, it has barely rained since April. Today was the first day that rain kept me in this summer, and I admit to loving these days. I always have. When I was a child, these days meant that i did not have to work outside, but could cozy up and read peacefully. I still snuggle into that magic of the coziness and safety inside.
Before the brownies, I purified a bunch of raw beeswax that I am using to make salves, and played on the computer making labels, and playing on MySpace. What a multilayered existance us moderns can inhabit! And I know the crash is coming.
I am asking myself more and more seriously these days, every day, what is it and how am I going to help take down civilization? What can i do, and precisely how will I achieve it? What risks will I take, and what will be the most useful, the most amplified and effective action I can participate in?
I wish peace and clarity to all of us.
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